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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Bonnie Dwork

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Walter K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1914. He describes his family background; the Anschluss and resulting terror; losing his job; unsuccessful escape attempts through Luxembourg to Brussels; returning to Vienna; the terrorism and destruction of Crystal Night; his arrest and transfer to Dachau; slave labor and his efforts to remain unnoticed; and release in April due to membership in a Zionist organization which obtained emigration papers for him to Great Britain as a farm laborer. He describes arrival in London; transfer to Wales; several farm jobs; internment as an enemy alien; transfer of enemy aliens to Canada on the Arandora Star which was torpedoed and sunk in the Irish Sea wih the loss of 800 out of 1600 on board; his trip to Australia on the Dunera with many survivors of the Arandora Star; return to England in 1942; enlistment in the British forces in 1943; participation in the invasion of Europe and the Battle of the Bulge; and working as an interpreter in Germany for the military courts. Mr. K. discusses why he did not seek revenge; his sense of having lost his entire family and his own youth; living in a happy present and putting the past behind him.

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