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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Phyllis O. Ziman Tobin

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Renee C., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1927. She recounts having no memories prior to being sent to London on a train when she was four; living in an orthodox Jewish orphanage; evacuation to small towns after war began in 1939; a visit from her brother (he was thirteen years older than she); living in several foster homes of non-Jews; hearing stories of Jewish persecution in Europe from other orphans; completing high school; living in a Sephardic community in Manchester; no one telling her anything about her family, although they seemed to know something; learning her father was Syrian by birth and quite affluent; meeting her future husband, an American GI; and emigration to the United States in 1946 to marry him. Ms. C. discusses wanting a family to compensate for not having had one; sharing her story with her children; and still not understanding what happened to her.

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