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Place of Birth:
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Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Elliot Perry

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Monty T., who was born in Dęblin, Poland in 1928, one of six children. He recounts his family belonging to a Hasidic sect; their extreme poverty; attending cheder; speaking only Yiddish; antisemitic harassment; his older brother leaving home; German invasion; fleeing to an aunt's home in another town; returning home weeks later; Germans forcing his father to shave; reporting for forced labor in his father's place; ghettoization; transfer to Dęblin camp with his sisters; his parents' deportation; slave labor on farms and at an airport; maintaining contact with his sisters; prisoners praying daily and singing Kol Nidre on Yom Kippur; a public hanging; transfer to Częstochowa in 1944; slave labor at HASAG Warta; separation from his sisters; his privileged work as a mechanic; many deaths due to hunger and disease; train transport to Buchenwald; slave labor clearing rubble in Weimar; transfer to Colditz; slave labor in a munitions factory; a death march to Theresienstadt; assistance from the Red Cross; liberation by Soviet troops; reunion with his sisters in Łódź; traveling to Prague, then Theresienstadt; traveling with a children's group to Windermere, England; transfer three weeks later to a hostel in Gateshead; studying watch making in Newcastle; marriage; the births of two sons; and maintaining contact with his sisters who had emigrated to Canada.

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