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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Robert Krell

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Len D., who was born in Koblenz, Germany in 1916. He describes his family's long presence in Germany; his father's kosher butcher business; cordial relations with non-Jews; apprenticeship; Hitler's rising influence; emigration of one brother to the United States; moving to Berlin in 1938; returning to Koblenz; his arrest on Kristallnacht; incarceration in the local jail, then Dachau; being beaten (he still suffers from that injury); release in February 1939; returning to Koblenz; illegally entering Holland; staying with relatives in Amsterdam; making diagrams of Dachau for a Dutch organization; incarceration three months later; deportation to Kleve; returning to Koblenz; having to emigrate or return to Dachau; emigrating to London; living on a farm in Fakenham sponsored by a Jewish organization; internment as an "enemy alien" on the Isle of Man after the outbreak of war with Germany; deportation to Canada with German POWs and refugees; continuing detention in Sherbrooke; and release upon reclassification to refugee status. Mr. D. discusses receiving letters from his mother from Theresienstadt until 1941 (she did not survive); family members who survived and those who did not; and his continuing bitterness toward Germany.

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