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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Ilana Abramovitch

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Judith K., who was born in Piešťany, Czechoslovakia in 1937, the youngest of six children. She recalls her family's affluence; her father taking them to Bratislava to avoid deportation; his arrest, escape from Žilina, and taking the family to hide on a farm; returning to Bratislava; their incarceration in Žilina; her father using bribery to obtain their release and false papers; living in the town of Žilina as non-Jews; the deportation of her parents and two siblings; an aunt arranging for the remaining children to be smuggled to Hungary; living illegally in Budapest; arrest and imprisonment; release in 1942 when guards were bribed; living with foster parents; moving with them to a Swedish safe house in 1944; their discovery; German execution of all the residents; being saved by the Red Cross before it was \their turn\ to be shot; liberation by Soviet troops; her stepmother's death; her stepfather's remarriage; living in an orphanage in Nové Město nad Váhom; maintaining her Jewish identity while in a convent school; being taken to London by Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld; her siblings' emigration to Israel; joining them in 1951; marriage; and emigration to the United States. Mrs. K. shows photographs.

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