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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Florabel Kinsler

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Joseph H. and his father, Max H., who was born in Hinterweidenthal, Germany in 1901 and moved to Fulda in 1902. Max H. recounts his father's death in 1918; his assimilated family; deteriorating conditions after 1933; losing his business in 1938; fleeing with his family to Frankfurt after Kristallnacht; incarceration in Dachau; returning to Fulda via Munich; his children leaving on a Kindertransport for England; deportation with his wife in 1941; separation from her when he was sent to Salaspils; mass killings; joining his wife in the Riga ghetto; separation from her upon arrival at Stutthof; forced labor in a camp in the Berchtesgaden area; learning his wife had died of typhus in 1944; liberation by Soviet troops in December 1945; walking to Danichuv; incarceration by the Soviets in Leningrad and Grodno; two years of forced labor in Siberia and eight years in Mongolia; returning to Fulda; learning his children had survived; reunion with his son; and emigrating to the United States. Joseph H. was born in Fulda, Germany in 1932. He describes the last night with his mother before leaving for England with his sister; living with foster parents in London, then Hertfordshire; sitting shiva for his parents in 1945; emigration to the United States in 1948; and the emotional reunion with his father. Max and Joseph H. reflect on their close relationship.

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