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Place of Birth:
Frankfurt am Main
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Ann Gadol

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Inga C., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1926. She recalls her maternal extended family gatherings; her father, a Russian citizen, traveling to the Soviet Union in 1931, attempting to arrange their emigration; his imprisonment as a "spy"; anti-Jewish restrictions and harassment by Hitler youth; eviction from their apartment in 1936; sexual harassment by the building superintendent, who threatened to deport her if she told anyone; hiding with her aunt's friend, a Nazi party member, during Kristallnacht; returning home to find their apartment ransacked; her brother's unsuccessful attempts to obtain exit documents for their mother; his departure for England; placement on a kindertranport; intense pain at leaving her mother, grandmother, and aunts; reunion with her brother in London; living with relatives; attending school; her two aunts' arrival in 1939; receiving letters from her mother through the Red Cross; moving to Wales for two weeks fearing German bombardment; returning to London; living by choice in a home for German-Jewish children; working in Leeds; her brother's illness and death at age twenty-three; emigration to the United States; and marriage to a friend from Frankfurt. Ms. C. discusses learning her mother and grandmother had been deported; receiving letters from her father until 1953; a maternal relationship with her aunt; and sharing her experiences with her daughter.

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