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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Robin McHugh

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Hella B., who was born in Neuss, Germany in 1915. She recalls living in Berlin; her father's position for Siemens in Spain; living in Seville; her older brother's death at a boarding school when she was five; moving frequently and attending boarding schools; living in Lüdenscheid, Cologne, and Nuremberg; antisemitic harassment; a book burning; finishing gymnasium; attending art school in Berlin; her parents obtaining emigration documents for her to join an uncle in New York; staying in England for six weeks with an aunt; arrival in the United States; learning her uncle had died; his wife rejecting her; trying to earn money to get her parents out of Germany; marriage; obtaining documents for her parents; learning they were detained because her mother was under sixty; after the war learning they had been deported to Theresienstadt, then Auschwitz; and arrival of their luggage. Ms. B. discusses many relatives who were killed in camps; guilt concerning her parents' deaths; pervasive painful memories; refusing to speak German for many years; and reluctance to discuss her experiences, even with her children.

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