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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Kathy Strochlic

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Hannah D., who was born in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1922. She describes her family's move to Bochum when she was two; her father's death in 1929; expulsion from boarding school in 1937 because she was Jewish; the impact of anti-Jewish restrictions; Kristallnacht; her mother's remarriage in 1939; and emigration to England three weeks later on a kindertransport. Mrs. D. recalls entering nurse's training; internment on the Isle of Man as an \enemy alien\; friendship with a woman who committed suicide; receiving her nursing diploma in 1941; enlisting in the army; the horror of German bombardment of London; marriage to a Canadian soldier; the generosity of a British family who gave her a large wedding; her pregnancy eight months later; emigration to Canada; the kindness of her husband's family; the birth of her son, then a second child; reunion with an uncle in New York; divorce; joining her parents in Chile in 1949 with her younger son; returning to Canada in 1955; and moving to New York in 1962. Mrs. D. discusses the impact of her lost youth and the void in her life resulting from the murder of so many in her family.

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