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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Dana L. Kline

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Professor Geoffrey H., a distinguished literary scholar and advisor to Holocaust testimony projects, who was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1929. He tells of assimilated relatives; curiosity about Nazi flags and parades; antisemitic restrictions; placement at age seven in a boy's home supported by the Rothschilds, where his divorced mother thought he would be safer; his mother's departure for America in late 1938; evacuation on a children's transport in March 1939; and arrival with nineteen other boys at the James Rothschild estate in Waddesdon, England. He speaks of his host's generosity; life in wartime England; education; reunion with his mother in the United States in 1945; attending Hunter College, Queens College, and Yale; visiting Frankfurt as a student in 1952; rekindling his Jewish identity while a United States soldier in Heidelberg in 1953; and his subsequent academic career. He discusses German reunification; emotional attachment to Israel; his sense of being a "perpetual refugee"; and integrating survivors into the Jewish community.

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