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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Toby Blum-Dobkin

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Gabriele S., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1914. In addition to information included in a previously recorded testimony (HVT-236), Ms. S. recalls an isolated childhood in an affluent, assimilate home; her father's death in 1927; her school's closure after the Nazis came to power; training as a social worker in Frankfurt; working in an orphanage in Hamburg; spending a year in England from 1935-36; returning, knowing the risks, to help other Jews emigrate; her brothers' emigration; her emigration to the United States (her mother and sister also got out); assistance from the Quakers; obtaining her bachelors and masters degrees in social work; working with Jewish refugees at Fort Ontario in Oswego; becoming a citizen in 1946; working at a tuberculosis sanitarium in Mirano, Italy; working for the Joint in Brazil and Paris, then in Passau; returning to Mirano when she was ill; meeting her future husband; returning to the United States, marriage in 1952; and continuing to work with victims of Hitler to the present time. Ms. S. discusses increasing difficulties for survivors as they age. She shows photographs and documents.

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