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Place of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Moses Mendelssohn-Zentrum für Europäisch-Jüdische Studien
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Stefanie Brauer

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Eva B., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1926. She recounts that her paternal grandfather was a Serbian Romani and her other grandparents Jewish; her parents' communist activism; participation in a communist youth group; her father hiding during an Nazi raid of their house in 1933; his fleeing to Vienna; hiding with her mother and brother; leaving their hiding place and being questioned; release after refusing to reveal any information; she, her mother, and brother, joining her father in Vienna; the Anschluss; observing atrocities against Jews; her parents' arrest and release; emigrating to London via Paris in April 1938; moving to Oxford; attending a Quaker school and other assistance from the Quakers; the outbreak of war; her father's brief internment as an enemy alien; marriage to an Austrian Jew; participating in FOJ, a socialist group; attending Oxford; working as a teacher until 1949; moving with her husband to east Berlin wanting to rebuild a better society; working as a translator and journalist; her son's birth in 1951; antisemitism; her son's interest in Judaism; his emigration to Israel in 1986; and his return after German reunification. Ms. B. notes relatives who were killed in the Holocaust; visiting Auschwitz in 1955; promoting international understanding through journalism; her books dealing with her experiences; receiving reparation payments; and her involvement in the Jewish community. She shows photographs.

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