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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Minda Jaffe

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Eric S., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1921. He recounts his family's affluence; antisemitic harassment; his father's large, extended family; his death in 1929; living with his maternal grandparents in Crailsheim in 1932; his bar mitzvah in 1934; his grandmother's death; beatings by an antisemitic teacher; the Nuremberg laws negative impact on the family business; their move to Stuttgart in 1936, thinking it would be better in a large city; being sent to boarding school in England in November 1936; several family visits through summer 1938; an American industrialist befriending him on one of his trips; learning his uncle was sent to Dachau on Kristallnacht; helping a German-Jewish schoolmate obtain visas for his family; assisting a cousin's emigration; the American industrialist providing his mother a guarantee, which enabled her emigration to England; their emigration to the United States in 1940 to join relatives; military draft in 1942; postings in London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Oslo, and Frankfurt; visiting his father's grave; searching for friends and relatives; assignment to Stuttgart; visiting Crailsheim; denouncing the teacher who had beaten him in school; marriage in Scotland; and returning to the United States. Mr. S. notes sharing his experiences with his children; and continuing contact with his father's relatives.

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