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Place of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Gillian Green Douek

Interview Summary
Videotape testimony of Edith B., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1927. She recalls a happy childhood; cordial relations with non-Jews; a close, extended family; attending a Jewish school; German annexation; anti-Jewish measures; her father's dismissal from his job; forced relocation; studying with a private teacher; her older sister going to England (she was supposed to join her on a kindertransport, but war broke out); deportation to the Łódź ghetto in October 1941; hunger, pervasive disease, and deaths; slave labor with her mother in a uniform factory; her father obtaining a management position; his death; the deportation of all children under ten; wanting to kill herself when she thought her mother had been selected (she wasn't); hospitalization with her mother; her own release; learning her mother had died; her father's boss \adopting\ her; his generosity and love giving her a reason to live; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in summer 1944; learning of the gas chambers; transfer; slave labor in a munitions factory; sabotaging the grenades; a death march in January; arrival at Flossenbürg in March; train transport to Bergen-Belsen; friends supporting her during roll call; liberation by British troops; hospitalization; returning to Prague, hoping to find relatives; joining her sister in England; marriage in 1962; and adopting three children. Ms. B. vividly describes ghetto and camp life as well as postwar loneliness and the importance of luck to her survival. She shows personal photographs and photographs of her art exhibition which represents her Holocaust experiences.

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