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Place of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Jewish Museum London oral history collection
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Interview Summary
Interview with Colin Anson who was born in 1922 in Berlin and came to England in 1939 on the Kindertransport. He describes his family background including his non-Jewish father's professional life and bankruptcy in the early 1930s, his second marriage to Colin's mother who was an evangelical Christian; Colin's upbringing as a Christian including his involvement with Christian youth movements and his growing awareness of his father's Jewish origins as Nazism grew; his father's reaction to the rise of Nazism and his arrest by the Gestapo, his imprisonment in Dachau concentration camp and his death there in 1937; Colin's acceptance on the Kindertransport in February 1939 through the Quakers; his memories of the journey; his arrival and placements with the Wallingford Farm Training Colony run by the Christian service union and becoming a welfare officer at Kitchener Camp for other boys; volunteering for the army and joining the 87th Company of the Pioneer Corps, being stationed in Liverpool and Wales and playing cello for the company orchestra; his recruitment for intelligence work in the Special Operations Executive (No 3 Troop of 10 Commando) as a result of his fluency in German, including receiving training in Wales; postings in Italy (where he was injured), Egypt, Lithuania, Yugoslavia and Greece; his posting near Frankfurt at the end of the war where he was reunited with his mother, and eventually arranging for her to live in England; his working life after the war and meeting his wife Alice.

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