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Place of Birth:
Unrestricted - Fortunoff Video Archive
Date of Interview:
Interviewed By:
Pam Goodman

Interview Summary
Video testimony of Anne G., who was born in a small town in Germany in 1910, moved to Ludwigshafen am Rhein, and then to Mannheim in 1932. She recalls anti-Semitic incidents; attending a speech by Hitler in Mannheim; her father leaving for France; and her fiance's attempt to leave Germany. She describes Crystal Night, detailing atrocities she witnessed; her conflict due to her love for Germany; being incarcerated in Mannheim prison; and obtaining papers enabling her to emigrate to England. Mrs. G. describes the painful departure from her mother and grandmother; her reunion with her fiance in London; the wonderful treatment she received from the British; her marriage in England; emigration to the United States in 1940; and her unsuccessful attempts to assist her family in Germany. She discusses the death of her mother and grandmother in Gurs; her brother's return to Germany; and the pride which she has in her daughter.

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